by Old Mentz | Aug 13, 2014 | church, Federated Church, Mentz, Port Byron, Presbyterian Church
Thanks to Jodi Yale, we are able to complete our photo tour of Port Byron’s old churches. The Presbyterian Church was later to become the Federated Church which made headlines everywhere when it was destroyed in the 1998 Labor Day Storm. The clock tower...
by Old Mentz | Aug 8, 2014 | Erie Canal, Erie House, Lock 52, Mentz, Port Byron
Back in the days before the Thruway was constructed, Maiden Lane use to leave the village and continue out into the muck lands. Now of course, Maiden Lane is a dead end, replaced by Maiden Lane Road. Both these views were taken from Maiden Lane, offering a panoramic...
by Old Mentz | Jul 30, 2014 | Uncategorized
July 28, 2014To the Honorable Mayor and Village Trustees;Over the past week, I, acting as President of the Lock 52 Historical Society, have been dealing with the issue of a upcoming fund raiser and where to locate it. Two years ago, the Board of the Lock 52 Historical...
by Old Mentz | Apr 16, 2014 | Alice L Crosby, Harvey C Ware, Mentz, Port Byron
Do you know this man? Unlikely that you will as he died in 1926. This is Harvey C. Ware the senior. His son was Harvey C. Ware Jr., the man who ran a garage on Utica Street. In researching Harvey Sr., I came across this article that received play in many local...
by Old Mentz | Mar 30, 2014 | Mack House, Main Street, Peck, Port Byron, William Warren Mack, WW Mack
If you enjoy looking at post cards of local scenes, you may have seen this one, or some much like it. The house was so over the top, that it attracted a lot of attention, at least from the photographers. All the cards say “Mack Residence” or “Mack...
by Old Mentz | Mar 16, 2014 | Harvey C Ware, Historical Society of Port Byron, Main Street Garage, Port Byron, Port Byron Historical Society
The caption for this photo says; “Harvey C. Ware, Main Street, PB”. Below, the ad is from 1915.Checking the papers, a couple articles are found that state that H.C. Ware and Nicholas Goss were the owners in 1915. But by 1920, Fred Clark is mentioned as the...
by Old Mentz | Feb 21, 2014 | firemen, Mentz, parade, Port Byron
This photo was taken during a parade that was held as part of a Fireman’s Convention that was held in Port Byron in 1953. Over 1000 marchers and 5000 people cheering them on. Wow.
by Old Mentz | Jan 24, 2014 | Port Byron, Port Byron Telephone Company, Weston
Here we have two versions of the same photo. The number on the calendar is the same, so likely this was taken on the same day. As the photo caption states, CW Weston was the founder of the PB Telephone Company.
by Old Mentz | Jan 18, 2014 | Uncategorized
I found these photos in the Ware collection that we have at the Historical Society. Aside from being photos of a group of school kids playing a lawn game, (and aside from the finger in front of the lens) the photos contains a lot of history.The first is that kids once...
by Old Mentz | Jan 9, 2014 | downtown, Port Byron, Port Byron Hotel, world war
Two photos found it the Port Byron Telephone collection. These are of the gathering following the news that the great war was over. The top photo says, “Peace Day Celebration Nov. 11, 1918″. The bottom photo says ” A small gathering for songs, yells,...