Contact Us

As we are an all volunteer organization, our hours of operation do vary from season to season, so it is best to call, text, or email as you plan your visit. And if you are visiting with a specific research goal in mind, with some advance notice, we can scout out whatever resources we have and have them ready for your visit.

If you have an item(s) that you are thinking about donating, please reach out so we can discuss it. We generally accept all items that have a direct connection to local history or a family who lived in Port Byron, Mentz or Montezuma. We cannot accept something just because it is “old.”

While we do not have any research fees, please be aware that we rely of donations to help keep the lights on and the doors open.



Our membership is open to anyone who has an interest in local and regional history and its preservation. We rely on membership fees to help maintain our collection and house, along with our other activities. Memberships are $20.00 per year. Download the membership form and mail or email it to us. You can use the Paypal button to the right to make donations or to pay for membership. 


Physical Address

73 Pine Street, POB 52, Port Byron, NY, 13140



Mike 315-704-8874