by Old Mentz | Jan 6, 2014 | Crane's Department Store, downtown, Port Byron, snow
I found this in the collection the Society received from the PB Telephone Company. The store on the right side was Crane’s Department Store.
by Old Mentz | Jan 5, 2014 | bridge, Port Byron, Rochester Street, school students
When I first posted this photo, I didn’t know where this bridge was located. However, since then, I and others, have figured out that this is the old Rochester Street bridge, before Rochester Street was realigned as Route 31. What is left of this street today is...
by Old Mentz | Nov 17, 2013 | birdseye, Erie Canal, Port Byron, Syracuse and Eastern, trolley
Bill Hecht sent along the early “birdseye” looking west along the Enlarged Erie. It should be called a “hillseye” as the photographer is standing on the hill to the east of the village, a favorite spot for many photographers. The newer...
by Old Mentz | Oct 26, 2013 | downtown, Mentz, Port Byron, Port Byron Hotel
Again, I am not very good at dating cars, but I will guess that this view is from the late 1950’s. We don’t have a lot of photographs from this time period, so it is nice to see this one.
by Old Mentz | Oct 23, 2013 | downtown, Mentz, Park Hotel, Port Byron
I am not good with dating cars and trucks, so I know someone will be able to give me a better date. This is from the Port Byron Telephone Company collection. A nice look at the downtown area in an era we don’t see often.
by Old Mentz | Oct 13, 2013 | downtown, Masonic Block, Mentz, Port Byron
We don’t see many views of the buildings along Main Street north of the Masonic Block. This is a very clear photo that contains many details. I like the open drains along the street. No trolley tracks but a gas pump, so we can say maybe circa 1910.
by Old Mentz | Oct 9, 2013 | church, Mentz, Port Byron, Rochester Street, St. John's Church, St. Pauls Church
The real photo postcard gives us a good view of the P.E. Church (Protestant Episcopal) (also called St Paul’s) that stood on Rochester next to St. John’s Catholic Church. I had posted another view of St John’s here that shows the house and church.So...
by Old Mentz | Oct 7, 2013 | Baptist Church, Cayuga County, church, Mentz, Port Byron
Two postcards of the Baptist Church. The real photo post card is from the collection that Hellen Davies donated to the Society. Compare the two and see what is different.
by Old Mentz | Oct 6, 2013 | Beach's Mill, Hayden's Dam, Hayden's Mill, Mentz, Owasco Outlet, Port Byron
I had posted this view before, but two more views of this dam have come into the Society’s collection, so I wanted to offer an update.In case you missed the earlier post, Hayden’s Dam was located upstream, or south of Hayden Road, which is two miles...
by Old Mentz | Oct 5, 2013 | Chauncey Henry, Leslie Blake, Mentz, Port Byron school
These two photos are of the same group, taken at the same time. Maybe somebody moved? Anyhow, the only hints we have is the label, P.B.H.S. and on the back it says; Port Byron H.S. Picnic.It also lists Reba Pinkney, Chancey Henery, and Leslie Blake. A bit of...