The Curb Service History Series

by | Jan 23, 2021 | Uncategorized

In the November 24 1939, the editor of the Port Byron Chronicle introduced a new series called the Curb Service History. The series of history based articles was written by Vera Belle Fenn, and were based upon the new roadside historic markers that were being placed at notable locations around the county and around the state. It was history at the curb-side, where you could drive by and learn a little. It covers all of the county and offers some fascinating reading.

Vera B. Fenn was the daughter of Henry Harrison Fenn and Sarah Burritt. Henry and Sarah had two daughters, Fannie Maria and Vera Belle. The entire family was from Roxbury, Connecticut and had moved to Port Byron in 1883.  Henry became the owner of Fenn Hardware, and he died in 1905.

Vera was a teacher in the Auburn schools, a poet, a history buff. She never married. Vera died in Byron, NY in 1960.

I have been able to find all the series except the article that was published in the December 21 issue. The paper we have in the digital collection is missing pieces and it is possible that someone snipped the column for their scrapbook.

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