A Group of School Children (and more)

by | Jan 18, 2014 | Uncategorized

I found these photos in the Ware collection that we have at the Historical Society. Aside from being photos of a group of school kids playing a lawn game, (and aside from the finger in front of the lens) the photos contains a lot of history.

The first is that kids once went outside to play. I don’t know what the game is, but this must have been before Common Core!

We get a look at the school grounds. The tennis courts are over to the right, behind the finger. We also get a look at how open it all was and how expansive the lawn was.

Then we get a chance to see the old Erie Canal Aqueduct and abutment for the trolley bridge. We don’t have a lot of photos of the aqueduct, so having the chance to see just a part of it is fairly exciting.

This is a excellent example on how old photos can contain a lot of good information.