The Graham’s – 64 Years of Married Life – 1904

by | Mar 19, 2020 | Uncategorized

Sixty Four Years of Married Life

Born in Mentz – Married in Mentz

William Graham and Wife Celebrate the Anniversary of Their Marriage.

Both in Good Health, Have Lived More Than Three Fourths of a Century and Witnessed the Wonderful Progress of Events

The subjects of this sketch may boast of an experience that is rarely enjoyed by man and wife. Mr. and Mrs. William Graham celebrated the sixty-fourth anniversary of their marriage on Saturday, November 12. Both are natives of this town and have always lived here. Mr. Graham was born September 11, 1820. His Father Henry Graham, lived to be 94 years of age, and his mother Lydia Graham was 104 years and six months at the time of her demise. Mrs. Graham was born March 10, 1822. Her parents, Frances Mullen and wife Elizabeth Mullen also lived to an advanced age, the former being 72 years old and the latter 84 years at their demise. A large family of children blessed the union of Mr. and Mrs. Graham, the following of whom are living: Mrs. Mary E Knapp, Charles F Graham, and Zack T Graham of Port Byron. William Graham of Ira, John Graham of Niagara Falls and Zebulon Graham of Toronto, Canada.

Mr. Graham as prominent in the business circles of the town for many years and is still active for one of his years. He takes a lively interest in political matters and is a Republican of the old school.

At the time this venerable couple were born there was not an iron plow in all the world. At the age of ten years they might have traveled on the first railway passenger train. Until they were thirteen there were no matches. At eighteen the first steam communication with Europe was established. They were 24 when the first telegram was sent and 36 when the first ocean cable was laid. They were past middle life when the first telephone was publicly used and were growing old when electricity was first used as a motive power. During their lifetime the world has made marvelous progress. At the age of forty-five it would have taken Mr. Graham months to have traveled to San Francisco, now he could go in as many days. Truly Mr. and Mrs. Graham have lived the best 80 years the world has ever known. Together they have witnessed the development of society, the uplifting of humanity, the progress of civilization in a degree almost incomprehensible. To them 80 years of America has been “worth a cycle of Cathay.”

Many friends in Port Byron wish the venerable couple still many years of happy life.