The Old Clyde River Bridge is Replaced

by | Aug 23, 2020 | Uncategorized

As we go about the process of sorting out the archives, the committee has been selecting some items they feel might be of interest for the blog. Here is an 1995 article from our own Anita Messina who was a contributor to the Citizen. The bridge in question was on Route 31 on the Savannah side of the river, and crossed what was left of the old Clyde River. In 1854 the Clyde River was redirected to flow into the Seneca River just south of the new Montezuma Aquduct, and the old channel became a drainage ditch. You can still see it today. It is about half way across the flats near the old Jackson Potatoes building. The engineers were facing the same issues that faced the builders of the Erie Canal 100 years prior. It would be interesting to know if anyone got a chunk of wood from the old timbers.