The Howard House in 1880

There are times when you look at history and never see it. For years I have seen the photograph shown above at the Pine Street house. It is a large photo about the size of a old style wall calendar. However it is very faded and I have only given it a quick glance or...

North Port Byron

It would be safe to say that June 1, 1853, would have been a momentous day in Port Byron. It was on that date that the New York Central Railroad began service along their direct route which connected Rochester and Syracuse. This new route between the two cities...

Mentz’s One-Room Schoolhouses

The idea that schooling was for everyone, and not just the wealthy, dates back to the beginning of the country. In 1787, Alexander Hamilton spoke about the need for the common school, and this was echoed by Governor George Clinton, that everyone should have access to...

1909 – The Slack’s 60th Wedding Anniversary

On Monday June 28, Mr. and Mrs. Herrick C. Slack, celebrated the sixtieth anniversary of their marriage, which occurred at Savannah, N.Y., June 28, 1849. They were married by Rev. David Ferris, then pastor of the Methodist Episcopal church in that village. Both Mr....