The Mystery Cooperage of Port Byron

For those family genealogists out there, the term “brick wall” has a certain meaning. It is when all the clues run out and those exciting new discoveries come slowly or not at all. Well those “brick walls” can also pop up in the study of general history when we can’t...

The Port Byron Railroad War

In October 1873, Colonel William Jones assembled his forces. The men built two forts that they named Fort Armstrong and Fort Graham to honor their leaders. These log and earthen fortifications looked out over the landscape from where the expected attack would advance....

Delvin (Ted) Wilt

Delvin Emmons (Ted) Wilt died on February 27, 2023, at 105 years of age. With his passing goes the last human contact to a lost world. Ted was born in October 1917. Within a couple months, the old towpath Erie Canal would be abandoned as the new Barge Canal was...

February Citizen Column

Way back in 2019, I wrote about the Schasel postcard collection that had been donated to the Lock 52 Historical Society. It is a wonderful collection of over 100 postcards that had been collected by Rudy and his son Rene Schasel. That collection became the basis of...

Port Byron’s Liquor Stores

With the opening of Vault House Wine and Liquor in the old bank building, I thought it was a good time to take a look at the history of liquor stores and their owners, and hopefully to stir a few memories for some. But before we go there, lets take a look at the...