The Obituary

Ah, the joys of having a column deadline on Christmas Day! So an easy way to fill a column is to find an old article, add a bit of context, and boom, you are done! But no. As I was writing this I did a bit of deeper digging and found that I had a part two. So the...

Duck and Cover!

If you were a child in the 1950s or ‘60s, you likely remember the “duck and cover” drills that we all had to do in school. We were all made aware of the impending atomic bomb attack, so in addition to the fire drills, we had to either; get under our desks, or go out...

August 2022 Citizen Column

I was on the fence with the title as this it might also be named as one of the Port Byron Family Tree series, but this is what will be in the August Citizen Mentz Column with a few added notes. In prior columns, I have written about the Port Byron Family Tree project...