by Old Mentz | Oct 16, 2022 | Uncategorized
Headstone Cleaning Suggested Cleaning Kit- 5 gallon bucket (to carry everything and sit on) $0 to $5 Clean water if the cemetery doesn’t have water available Scrub brushes (large, medium and small) $10-$15 at the hardware store Pump type garden sprayer $15-$20 (get...
by Old Mentz | Sep 9, 2022 | Uncategorized
Port Byron’s Water Supply Through the Years; Drinking Auburn’s Sewage. Water Supply of Port Byron Grossly Contaminated, State Report Says, Blaming Auburn. This was the headline in the September 9, 1915 Auburn Advertiser-Journal, and it stated what everyone...
by Old Mentz | Aug 7, 2022 | Uncategorized
I was on the fence with the title as this it might also be named as one of the Port Byron Family Tree series, but this is what will be in the August Citizen Mentz Column with a few added notes. In prior columns, I have written about the Port Byron Family Tree project...
by Old Mentz | Jul 10, 2022 | Uncategorized
Sorry. I could help myself. Little puns roll of the keyboard. This is about the connections between the Little, Rooker, Sadler, Barrus, Wilson, (and Ames) families. I was up to Mt. Pleasant cleaning four stones of the Little family. These caught my eye as they are all...
by Old Mentz | Jun 11, 2022 | Uncategorized
Tucked away in the old section of Mt. Pleasant Cemetery you will find many graves with names long forgotten in the area. John and Rachel Waffle are one of these families. I recently cleaned their headstone and wanted to see if they could be added to the PBFT project....
by Old Mentz | Apr 17, 2022 | Uncategorized
The Port Byron Family Tree (PBFT) is a project with a goal of discovering connections. Most people or groups are added when we at Lock 52 receive a research request (like the Peck family) or find a photo (such as Otis Critchett) and we want to see how they fit into...