The November (2021) Citizen Column

The Lock 52 Historical Society hosted a walk about the Mt. Pleasant Cemetery on October 23, 2021. The focus of the walk were a few of the 237 men who volunteered to fight in the Civil War from the town and village. After a brief history of the Grand Army of the...

The Cigar Trade in Port Byron

In 1882 the New York State Experiment Station wrote that, “Perhaps no crop grown in our State gives better rewards for careful management than tobacco.” Many of us don’t realize that in the late 1800s tobacco was a major crop, especially in Oswego and Chemung...

The Fire Department Turns 150!

Fire was a way of life for our early village and town residents. It was used to cook, heat, power steam engines, run a forge and so much more. And there were times when these utilitarian fires became destructive. A flames and burning embers would spread the fire to...

Inez Shotz and Gossip Columns in the Chronicle

By Anita Messina To most people Inez Shotz was the lady on the phone. Helen Lauckarn said they were next door neighbors on Main Street but they didn’t know her well, except she frequently called. Barbara Jean Van Ditto remembers Inez Shotz only as the woman who called...

Burdett Ray’s Recollection of Port Byron

editor- This was written by Burdett Ray in 1998 shortly before his death. His obituary states that; “He was happy to share his knowledge of things and people with whom he came in contact.” These personal recollections help to bring the past to life. This...

The Ray Family

In the year 1900 the Erie Canal was eighty-years-old, and it was showing it’s age. The state of New York was investigating whether to construct a new Barge Canal, fix up the old and worn canal, or get out of the canal business altogether. In November 1903, the voters...