Our Fall 2020 Newsletter

by | Jan 10, 2021 | Uncategorized

In the past the society would send out a yearly newsletter that was both our yearly recap and membership renewal notice. However, as the board had some very vigorous discussions about how to get more people to join and support the historical society, the first think that was brought up was that we only mailed out one newsletter, and that wasn’t enough. So we have decided to publish a quarterly four-page newsletter that will have a feature article and updates from our committees as they continue their work on genealogy, the collection, and programs.

What we have decided to do is make the first few newsletters widely available to everyone. After that they will be mailed to the paid membership, so hopefully you will like what you see and decided it is worth the $10 or $15 a year to receive it. We will also begin looking at other member benefits.

Here is the Fall 2020 newsletter.