Sabrina Westmiller’s Gold Award Project

by | Jan 12, 2021 | Uncategorized | 1 comment

We at Lock 52 are always searching for ways to engage our younger citizens, so we are delighted when members of the local Girl and Boy Scouts ask if we might have some service projects. When Sabrina Westmiller came along, we suggested that she might take on a project at the Mt. Pleasant Cemetery. The cemetery is a wonderful place, and it always is in need of some tender loving care. Sabrina decided to see what it would take to clean some of the headstones and then get some of her fellow scouts to help out. They also did a bit of fact checking as to names and dates. To close out the project, she created a presentation that might be of help to others as they look to clean up their family headstones.

[pdf-embedder url=”” title=”Bring Back the Life to Your Local Cemetery”]

This is not a one off project for the society. We really want to see work like this continue, so if you happen to have a young person in need of a service project, or an old person you want to get out of the house, the cemetery needs your help. You don’t need to be scrubbing away. On the Find-A-Grave website, it notes that the cemetery is about 40% photographed, and as the years pass by, every year, it becomes more and more difficult to read and even find some of the stones.

And congratulations to Sabrina on her completion of her Gold Award.